Kamala Harris, Transracialism, and the Culture of Lies
Who are you going to believe? The media or your lying eyes?
Look at her face. If you didn’t know who she was and you passed her on the street you wouldn’t describe her as black. She isn’t black. We know because we’re looking at her. She looks vaguely Indian or Middle Eastern. She could maybe pass as Hispanic. But she’s definitely not black.
Kamala Harris claims to be black because she thinks it helps her politically.
Ordinary people see through this. One actual black woman was so upset about it, she threatened to assassinate Harris. Thankfully she was foiled.
Harris is of Indian descent on her mother’s side. On her father’s side she is descended from upper class Jamaicans, which means she has substantial European ancestry. (As much European ancestry as African ancestry?) Harris’ paternal grandfather was very light-skinned, although her paternal grandmother was much more African-looking.
According to Mainstream Culture Ethics, what I’m doing right now is very distasteful. It is alleged to be somehow disturbing and wrong to even talk about race, let alone talk about the likely racial ancestry of some specific individual. I would like to hear some explanation of why that is disturbing or wrong.
More to the point though, the issue at hand is not really Harris’ race per se, it’s the fact that she is lying about her race. Harris asserts that she is a black person, which is plainly not true. The Mainstream Media repeat this “fact”. We are supposed to affirm that “fact” even though everyone with eyes can see that it is false.
Many people (including virtually everyone in the government and major media) is so deeply immersed in the Culture of Lies that they forget that anyone is outside of it. It’s very offensive to them when someone stubbornly challenges an Official Narrative. It’s especially offensive when someone challenges an Official Narrative while citing no authority other than their own senses. Imagine how 16th century priests must have felt when uppity young Protestants said “I don’t care about your Roman credentials, I read the Bible myself”!
Trump questioning Kamala Harris’ race is Trump at his best. His power comes from saying things that most people believe to be true, but which the mainstream cultre lies about or obfuscates. By refusing to go along with the Culture of Lies, you’re challenging the legitimacy of the Mainstream Media itself.
Let’s just say black = descendent of American slaves. There are more black people out there but that would describe most black people in america.
The talent pool amongst black peoples is so low that to fill out the 13% quota amongst the elite you need to get lots of light skinned partly black people often from abroad. That’s like half of the “black” people at Harvard for instance. It describes Obama and harris.
It helps to that in addition to having less black DNA most are raised according to white liberal norms rather then American black norms. As Biden said, “he’s the first black politician that can talk good.”
Trump should drive home that:
1) Harris stole her education and career from a “real black person” (descendent of American slaves)
2) her policies have not helped real black people
Harris is a Negro because she has Negro genetic inheritance and she is anti-White. She has no loyalty to anything White except White money.