Let’s just say black = descendent of American slaves. There are more black people out there but that would describe most black people in america.

The talent pool amongst black peoples is so low that to fill out the 13% quota amongst the elite you need to get lots of light skinned partly black people often from abroad. That’s like half of the “black” people at Harvard for instance. It describes Obama and harris.

It helps to that in addition to having less black DNA most are raised according to white liberal norms rather then American black norms. As Biden said, “he’s the first black politician that can talk good.”

Trump should drive home that:

1) Harris stole her education and career from a “real black person” (descendent of American slaves)

2) her policies have not helped real black people

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Why do you care if a politician is half-Jamaican and half-Indian or a descendant of American slaves? For (1) why is this some sort of zero-sum game between different people with black skin? If the US decided to have affirmative action for people who are half-Jamaican and half-Indian, you can't blame her for taking advantage of it. Blame the EEOC and other groups for creating affirmative action in the first place.

Do you want Trump to pander to ADOS types? I would much prefer to have at least one party that stands up to black nationalists. The less Herschel Walker cringe garbage the better.

To be fair at least some of her policies have helped ADOS blacks, like when she was a prosecutor and actually did something to lock criminals up.

Anyway, Harris went to Howard. What, do you think Howard should ban people who are half-Indian and half-Jamaican? We have already had more than enough unfair discrimination in favor of Black Americans and against Asians Americans in higher education in the US. You want more?

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Yes, I blame people who take advantage of affirmative action for doing so. Any decent person would turn it down.

Harris deserves extra blame because:

1) she supports AA and DEI

2) she lies about her race to get AA and advance in politics

3) she weaponized that lie to push more AA and DEI

Driving a wedge between blacks and Harris types is a good policy.

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0) It's hard to know when affirmative action is the reason you get something. For KH is it the reason she got into Howard? I doubt it.

1) Of course that sucks but literally all Democrats support that. So I don't see why she deserves extra blame for supporting it.

2) She doesn't lie about her race. She is black. Her dad is Jamaican. I'm sure her dad has white admixture and her mom is Indian, but again you can be both Indian and black. Yes she is maybe 30% black genetically and is half-Jamaican and half-Indian rather than ADOS, but she has been leaning into her black identity since forever. She went to Howard.

3) It's true that she leans into her black identity when calling for more AA and DEI. The problem with this is that she calls for AA and DEI. Her race is not so relevant.

4) I agree that raising the salience of the ADOS / black immigrant divide is good policy but I don't think that this is the way to do it. I liked what Hanania said about the census having a Native American and slave question rather than the race question.

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The folk understanding of Affirmative Action is that it's supposed to be a way of paying back blacks (descendants of American slaves) and maybe give them a leg up to improve themselves. Yes, I know that isn't the legal definition, but it's what its supporters clearly understand it to be.

When you apply that to a mostly non-black foreign elite of privilege whose ancestors OWNED SLAVES, that clearly violates the intention of affirmative action. All the negatives of affirmative action combined with not even fulfilling its purpose.

The average LSAT at her law school was 164. It's considered a good school. But if you're black you can get in with a dramatically lower then average LSAT. While we don't know Harris's score, we do know she failed the bar the first time. People with an LSAT of 164 will pass the bar on the first try over 90% of the time, which her classmates managed to do. It seems likely that she got into her law school based on claiming to be black to collect affirmative action. After that she found some black politician and slept with him to get a job.

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Affirmative action was expanded to groups other than ADOS a long time ago. Hispanics, black immigrants, and/or mixed people make up the majority of URMs at elite universities. Anyway, there were freed Black Americans who owned slaves too. Also Booker T Washington's father who he never met was a slaveowner.

The original instantiation of affirmative action, a temporary reparative program from ADOS Black Americans that involved trying to make sure you took extra effort to find qualified ones in 1970s Black America where there was actual racism, was a lot more reasonable than the nightmare it has become. We need to get rid of affirmative action nowadays, 100%.

I agree that Kamala has benefited from our idiotic bureaucratic racist system of racial preferences. But again, who do you fault for that? Kamala, or the bureaucracy? I don't really fault Kamala. Anyone would do the same in her position. People rationally follow incentives. The target should be the bureaucracies and other actors that make those incentives. I feel your argument is not dissimilar from the arguments of the woke blaming Jefferson for owning slaves.

I don't think that pushing the ADOS line about how Kamala is not really black is a good thing. I don't like ADOS nationalism and I don't want to see more of it in our politics. Do you? For all of your criticisms of Harris and Obama for not being ADOS, they are definitely preferable to the likes of Cori Bush or Maxine Waters. Ilhan Omar sucks but that's more exceptional as Somalia is a country ... errr failed state full of Islamic extremism, unlike Jamaica or Kenya.

I really don't care very much about the race of our elected officials. I care about their policies. I don't want to see more discussion of their race.

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“Anyone would do the same in her position.”

Would they though? And if they did, wouldn’t you blame them.

Like one can walk and chew gum at the same time, i can in fact both hate the player and hate the game simultaneously. Especially when the player supports and wants to expand the game.

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Aug 7·edited Aug 8Liked by Simon Laird

Harris is a Negro because she has Negro genetic inheritance and she is anti-White. She has no loyalty to anything White except White money.

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Many blacks wrongly see Kamala as black because she fits their beauty standard. Dark, straight hair, no naps and no fro. There’s a reason weave comes from India. Kamala also is permanently tan but not too dark, just tan enough to not be white. So, blacks claim her because they want her or to look like her! Blacks love an octaroon. I don’t know why but they really do.

College-educated white liberals on the other hand don’t actually know blacks, let alone what makes blacks distinct, which would be a prerequisite for thinking about ancestry. They either get a version of blacks that blacks perform for them or the idea of blacks they got from Between the World & Me. So they see Kamala and think, ah, she’s black! They operating under layers of bullshit.

I for one will celebrate our first openly transracial president. Whites need to step up their game if they want racially ambiguous people to identify with them rather than the blacks.

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This is very stupid. She is mixed-race. She is black. She is Indian. She is also a bit white. Those things are not mutually exclusive. Let me repeat that. She is black. It’s certainly true that she leans into her black identity more and that this helps her politically. She claims to have celebrated Kwanzaa and so on. She also claimed to have donated to the JNF at some point. I call BS. While this is distasteful by the standards of normal people, compared to all of the other bullshit and pathological lying politicians do this kind of cynical opportunistic behavior and lying is really not so bad. They are all opportunistic scumbags. Compare it to Trump running a scam university and cheating on his wife with a porn star, Clinton possibly raping Juanita and having sex with Monica, Biden plagiarizing a campaign speech and lying about his grades and letting his son do who knows what. Again this is really not that bad in comparison.

She also went to Howard University, so she has been leaning into her black identity for a very long time.

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Aug 7Liked by Simon Laird

Many people (including me) only use the term black about people who are full blooded or close to full blooded (75%+) sub-Saharan African descent. Harris is clearly not, neither is Obama for that matter (who is Mulatto).

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OK if you use the term black to mean people who are 75+% black genetically then I agree she is not black. That is a tautology. But the mean ADOS Black American doesn't even meet this bar!


"You see all of those different ancestries in each of these groups," Bryc explains. The average African-American genome, for example, is 73.2% African, 24% European, and 0.8% Native American, the team reports online today in The American Journal of Human Genetics. Latinos, meanwhile, carry an average of 18% Native American ancestry, 65.1% European ancestry (mostly from the Iberian Peninsula), and 6.2% African ancestry.

I mean the average slave-descended Black American is only about 80% black genetically which is not far from that cutoff, so under this definition the US is not 14% black but probably more like 6% or 7%. It does not match the common use.

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Sorry not 80% but rather <75%. I said it wrong at the end. Right so the US isn’t 14% black but maybe 7%.

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