I agree with most of your proposals. But with so much desire for cheaper labour,globalised welfare advocates, church groups, NGOS and activist judges there'd be a huge array of opposing forces.

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Part of the strategy with this approach is that it switches up the coalitions. It makes illegal immigrants work for us, rather than against us.

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Very interesting proposal. Reminds me of the Texas law about abortion that used a private right of action to enforce. It would probably also help if we weren't granting citizenship so promiscuously.

I am also reading older law books and it was not legal for aliens to buy land.

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I could easily see illegal immigrants having kids here and only then suing their employers. That way their kids get US birthright citizenship and could possibly sponsor their illegal parents, who will be out of the US for over 10 years by that point in time, for US citizenship once they themselves will become adults.

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The idea is that the possibility of a lawsuit would ensure that companies would not hire illegal immigrants in the first place.

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The left could still promote birth tourism in the US, no? Other than among Russians of course lol.

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True. There would need to be an additional measure to stop birth tourism.

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BTW, question for you: Does the Diversity Visa Lottery serve as a deterrent for illegal immigration by giving a lot of people a chance to some here legally? Even if this chance is small, it increases if you play the lottery continuously for years, and would one be less willing to come here illegally and risk getting deported afterwards if one has, say, a 10% or 20% chance of entering the US legally within the next 20 years?

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The number of visas given out through the diversity lottery is pretty small so I doubt it.

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The smart thing to do would be to play the lottery continuously for your entire adult life, at least until the point of retirement. If you play from age 25 to age 55, then you have 30 chances of making it, not just one try. The odds of winning would probably still be less than 50%, possibly significantly so, but still very far from zero.

The one big objection about the Diversity Visa Lottery is that even though a lot of middle-class and cognitive elite folks also play it, it still makes it easier for a working-class person from, say, Ghana or Kenya to move over here than for a working-class person from India or China, since those two countries already have huge immigrant populations here in the US. But at least the Diversity Visa Lottery is a cheap way for the US to build global goodwill. And we exclude the worst of the worst from it, contrary to GOP propaganda. And the terrorism risk from it is very, very small.

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Well, we could increase it, but that would be politically unfeasible. Maybe increasing it while making it more based on education and skills? But even then, I don’t know whether the GOP would actually want to import more Muslim and African middle-class folks and cognitive elites.

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As a side note, as an immigrant to the US myself, I want the US to have a relatively pro-immigration policy, especially but not only for cognitive elites. But I am willing to wear other people’s thoughts in regards to this. I want to be welcoming to foreigners just so long as we don’t overstretch our own carrying capacity or overburden ourselves. Of course, I also support a large-scale voluntary eugenics program for everyone.

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Maybe an exception could be made for rich and smart people since America could use more of those? Including Russians? (The Russian cognitive elite is notoriously relatively unpatriotic.)

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I really like the way you think. There seems to be a fantasy role playing group think on the right. A small group of people (like you) identifying problems, creating tangible policy solutions, then creating awareness and consensus around them is all that is needed.

This proposal should also be extended to renting as this would cause landlords to expel residents. It also publicly needs to be pushed that mass immigration is the main reason for housing price increases and is a direct negative for Americans (this has worked for conservatives in other countries that reduced immigration).

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Surprised you didn’t discuss mandatory e-verify.

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Allowing immigrants to sue their employers is a self-enforcing system. Mandatory e-verify isn't.

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Theres 50-60 million foreigners in the US but inly 25-30 are illegal so the cost would be just one years deficit lol

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This is a brilliant proposal. Simply brilliant. One of my biggest fears is buyers remorse sweeping the nation. People across the spectrum and across ethnic lines support the wall, they want to limit immigration, and deport illegal felons (at least felons if not many more). They (white, black, hispanic Americans) cheer when Trump says deportations. When Trump wins the election, if they let him into office, and he enacts deportations- people may feel differently. All of a sudden its your neighbor, your coworkers parent, etc etc. Hispanics are shifting towards Republican majorly but seeing actual deportations in the millions (the plurality of illegal immigrants are still Mexicans, many who have been here 10-15+ years) it could cause a sour effect and drive that voting block back in the direction of the Dems. So this strategy is extremely brilliant, regardless who is in the whitehouse

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