The Nazis were against feminism because feminism is a part of communism.

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The Nazis--those fine family men who just loved to protect and provide.

Men shouldn't be allowed to vote.

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They were family men. Some of the best men in fact. Read a book.

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Oh yes, like Joseph Goebbels who liked to sleep around and cheat with plenty of women while his wife was at home with their 6 kids (that he ended up poisoning).

Or Hitler, who never really married (I mean, right before his suicide--it wasn't a significant length of time) and had no children.

Super family men! Nothing but protecting and providing, not being absolute hypocrites saying one thing and doing another.


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As you say equality flattens everyone. Feminism is actually quite bad for high achieving women as it pretends that all of the average and underachieving women are the same as them. When everyone woman is Serena Williams/Erin Brockovich, none of them have to be.

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Going a bit contrarian here, but I was involved in a feminist scene for a while (more so out of an interest in women's literature than anything) and I actually agree with a lot of what is written here. I do think feminism was a reaction to some very real issues -- though perhaps not the ones claimed by many feminists. And that some good things were achieved by the movement (e.g. support services for abused women, greater independence allowing women to leave bad marriages). I wish that the branch of "maternal feminism" that once existed had been the one to take off. That it the "girl-boss" version did instead I think is indicative of the toxicity and narcissism that was always inherent in the movement. While I agree the movement now does more harm than good to women and men, I think the biggest victims are children -- to paraphrase Erica Komisar, the whole women's rights thing threw children's rights under the bus.

I have a daughter and a second to be born any day now. When I was pregnant with my first child, many other women asked me if I was going to raise her in a "gender-neutral" way, i.e. push her toward masculine interests. I found this disturbing and said I'd let her like what she naturally likes. (Turns out she likes pretty dresses, the colour pink, singing, dancing, and animals. She really only plays with stuff like trucks etc when she's hanging out with one of her male friends). I also heard stories of women who were devastated that their daughters were feminine, which is tragic for the kids. As you write, there's nothing wrong with (healthy) femininity.

When I found out I was pregnant, one of the first things I said to my husband was that I wanted to be a STAH mom. He has a good job and is a good man and has been extremely supportive (while also being supportive of my writing, continued freelancing, and Substack). I was pushed toward masculine careers like engineering as a kid because I was good at math ... but I was still a girl, and I pursued female-typical interests instead. I sincerely like being barefoot and cooking, tweaking recipes to perfect them. It's insane to me that I was fed propaganda trying to convince me that this life is somehow a waste of my mind (what about my heart?). With a good man, being a housewife is the furthest thing from being "oppressed." In so many ways, it's a privilege and a gift, especially with modern technology making household chores so much easier. The majority of young mothers I know either stay at home, wish to stay at home, or go down to part time work (but many cannot for, as you note, financial reasons). When I say things like "feminism lied to us", far more women agree with me than don't.

I found it interesting that you note that many of the "feminine" traits that ARE treated as socially acceptable / romanticized in Hollywood are actually childish traits ... I recently published an essay which discusses this as well -- the essay argues (among a lot of other things, it's a long read) that hyper-literate feminism is a "left-brained" movement, with a dysfunction right hemisphere (one could also think of it as an "autistic" or "schizophrenic" movement ... I touch on the neuroscience), and that it tilts toward androgyny, misandry, and misogyny -- and seems to romanticize neoteny. The latter point is something I still need to do a lot more research on, admittedly, but I do hope to return to the topic and am keen for feedback. If you're interested, the link is below. Cheers.


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Sep 27Liked by Simon Laird

Good article.

I don’t want to sound like a feminist, but there is no purely « natural order » for humans. It is not like you can remove all the modern propaganda and get a new natural culture. In the past women were not just naturally converging on their gender roles, society was also reinforcing it in different ways. I could imagine a simple « reduce government size to be as low as possible » approach to make it so that the culture goes to a better direction.

There is also the problem of creating a new subculture that is also anti-feminist that can sustain itself. I don’t think convincing a decent amount of men to join would be difficult, but seducing women (especially young and single ones…) to join it at a similar rate as men is going to be very hard. It is actually the central question: How can you convince those women? How to not scare or disgust them?

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Author

The long term way to convince women to be part of such a subculture is just to raise girls without feminist brainwashing. Excessive TV/movie/pop culture consumption should be seen as a vice just as cigarette smoking or alcoholism are seen as vices.

In the short term, I think there are a lot of women who would be open to an explicit anti-feminist position, but they’ve only heard it from whiny, deliberately off-putting people and Christian fundamentalists. We just need to clearly and frankly make the case for anti-feminism without being obnoxious/smelly or deliberately off-putting.

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I don’t think the « brainwashing » can be avoided. You need to give a clear education on why feminist are bad before she encounters it. Basically summarize the ideas given in your article to a kid.

Yeah I don’t know about the number of women that are open to an anti-feminist subculture. I think they would be attracted to it if they can find a relatively attractive man that can make a good amount of money. So it needs to be relatively elitist/demanding towards the men. Idk how sustainable that can be. It would eventually need to have like a religious element in order to change what would be considered « high-status » to avoid having men or women leave the subculture.

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Sep 27·edited Sep 27Author

It’s pretty easy to avoid the brainwashing.

Don’t have a TV in your home


Limit social media usage

A lot of churches already are sort of opposed to feminism and they have a "religious element."

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Churches are dying.

Social media is what everyone (especially the young) use for entertainment and information. Not a TV. You're old and out of touch. You have no clue what's going on.

You lost.

If men were such a great option, none of this would have been necessary, and we wouldn't have won.

You aren't. You lost, and there's nothing you can do.

If men are so logical and strong, deal with the truth (hint: you're not).

Go play video games and shut up.

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I am younger than you. The tide of history is against you. You're losing and that's why you're so angry.

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LOL we're not the ones going on shooting sprees because we can't get laid. Tinder is 76% male (that is what they admit and it's most likely an underestimate).

That's your side, Simon.

You don't know how old I am.

You're talking about TVs.

You know nothing. Don't speak about history as if you have any clue what's going on. Libertarians are the biggest retards in the world. You want to do something about government intrusion on individual rights? Take on anti-BDS laws. I dare you.

You're not going to make wife-beating and child marriage legal again.

You lost. You can die alone, surrounded by your porn and video games, along with the other rational protector-providers lol.

End of story.

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I would say that unless you want to truly isolate (difficult in the age of internet) your hypothetically daughters and sons from the rest of the world, they are going to encounter an instance of brainwashing modern degeneracy. The kids need to have some mental defense against the rethoric of the modern culture. Homeschooling+no tv is fine, but adding a « mental vaccine » against degenerate stuff can’t hurt.

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Encountering it occasionally is categorically different from being steeped in it several hours per day, from birth.

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Feminists won because we're right.

If men were so logical, strong, interesting, and competent, it wouldn't have been necessary.

You guys are none of those things, and in fact, men in general are a bad investment.

There's nothing you can do.

Nobody cares that you can't get laid, or want to beat your wife legally, or would love to marry a 10 year old girl legally.

It's done. We won.

Go cry while you play Grand Theft Auto.

"Anti-feminism" is code for "unfuckable loser males want to have women play punching bag/personal assistant for them while providing nothing in return."

It's not happening. You lost.

If you're rational (you're not), deal with it, and work on yourself. Oh, and stay off Tinder. Nobody wants to fuck you, and it's your fault.

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Antifeminism is a doomed project. The idea that patriarchy can be reestablished through reciting trite points like these to schoolgirls is absurd. Islamic countries are currently desperately trying to reinstitute old-school patriarchy in places like Iran and Afghanistan through imposition of extreme heavy-handed restrictions on women's movements and speech, and even they haven't been able to halt feminist activism. Women in Korea are open about the fact they would rather see the extinction of their nation rather than continue patriarchal practices. Everywhere around the world we see similar trends.

If you want to understand the full extent of the problem for men and patriarchy, I recommend reading David Gilmore's excellent anthropological work, Misogyny: The Male Malady. Gilmore is an anti-feminist, but he is an honest anti-feminist, and therefore worth reading. Gilmore dismisses the silly self-pitying delusions many misogynist men labor under, like the idea that we live under a "matriarchy" (women have never had that sort of political power over men as a class.) And he is honest about the ugliness of patriarchy and how much ongoing stress and difficulty it places on men to maintain it, whether those men are tribal patriarchs in New Guinea or intellectuals in the Catholic Church. For example, all male institutions are critical to patriarchy, but those all male institutions (whether they are the Boy Scouts, the Catholic Church, or the ancient Greek lyceums) almost always involve some degree of pederasty and sexual abuse of boys and effeminate men. Patriarchy always involves the eroticization of hierarchy and dominance and submission, and in absence of women, men institute those practices on boys. Some patriarchal institutions, like that of the Romans and Greeks, honor and institutionalize those practices, while others (like the Catholic Church) nominally condemn it while condoning it in practice. This is of course just one example of the nastiness and underbelly of patriarchy. I do not think men today really have the stomach for everything patriarchy entails, and therefore they comfort themselves by telling themselves a few simple tricks will reinstitute a fantasy of old school patriarchy and gender harmony that never truly existed.

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Given your username, I am going to imagine that your explanation of why the culture is not fine is that due to the omnipresent patriarchy, the world is not an egalitarian utopia. My interpretation would be more that there are natural differences and that the preferable for the majority outcome would involve less government/bureaucracy. I am not going to read your stuff that implies that non-feminist cultures are pedophilia or some shit like that. My point of view is relatively close to the points written from the author of this article, and you are probably not ok with them for some reasons. So I am just going to defend my previous points: I did say that making a sustainable anti-feminist subculture inside our current culture would be very difficult. I would say that it needs to involve « reciting trite points » to kids, because it is more helpful than totally isolating them from the rest of the world. But it needs way more than that to protect them. My point is that I am not purely anti-feminist, but a strong and healthy culture is probably anti-feminist

You mentioned that Afghanistan failed to subdue feminism. But they are still above 2.1 kids per woman. They are immigrating to the western world with their culture. Therefore, they are winning. I don’t want to see a culture that treats women so poorly winning.

Your homework should be to somehow find a way to have a feminist ( or progressive, it is the same thing in 2024) culture without having it fail to reproduce itself. Otherwise, you are by definition going to lose to strongly religious or authoritarian groups. You can’t « kidnap » children from other religions/culture groups forever.

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Too much government is not the issue. This problem is that men and women do not have equal rights and we have a culture that pushes feminist brainwashing.

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Men have too many rights. And we're here to take more away.

Men have the right to put on a skirt, declare themselves to be women, and then get put in a women's jail where they can continue raping.

Feminism is for females, and it's a form of karma.

You guys deserve it.

Go cry all you want. There's nothing you can do.

Keep swiping on Tinder, Simon (that's 76% male, btw--wonder why?).

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Ayaaaa, I get it. A TERF hahaha.

Just a little advice: while the whole trans thing is very stupid, you should not dedicate your life to it and bring it on places where I think it was not the main subject. As you said, you have already won. Just go enjoy life, you won’t meet many trans people anyway. Also calling people ( that technically align with you on your fetish issue too…) incels and saying feminism is pure vengeful female advocacy reflects badly reflects on your TERF friends and you.

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The "trans" agenda is the largest threat to women's safety in prisons, sports, bathrooms, etc., and I won't stand by while this agenda is pushed relentlessly in media and academia.

You can't watch any show on Netflix or read any book without seeing this utter dreck. It is a billion-dollar medical scandal as well, so defeating it, not to mention stopping the mutilation and abuse of children, is a worthy way to spend my time.

It is the ultimate, distilled, final boss version of male stupidity, and that is why I will never stop fighting it. It proves everything we've said about men correct. Namely, that they're crazy and erratic, and therefore cannot be trusted with even simple things.

I didn't ask for your advice because you're worthless and have nothing of value to offer.

Shut up and go play video games.

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If anyone needs more reasons to be antifeminist, read about Sally Miller Gearhart, the feminist pioneer of women and gender studies programs in American universities. Specifically, her talk "The Future-if there is one-Is Female".


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You guys lost already.

There's nothing you can do about it.

We're not going to back the good ol' days when rational protector-providers could marry 10 year old girls legally, beat their wives legally, and keep women out of jobs and school.

It's just not happening. You know it, and that's why you're mad.

Stick to your porn and video games, and then die.

That's all you've got left.

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Lol! I appreciate your disdain and candor. Enjoy those long work hours, casual abortions and dog shit. That's really all you have left. Nice doggie, by the way.

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"It’s understandable that people thought it was unfair when men could vote and women couldn’t, but this problem arose only because we made the mistake of having voting in the first place. Democracy is a failed system. Neither men nor women should be allowed to vote."

Haha. I have to admit, I didn't see that last line coming. Dream on, my friend. I'm sure the anti-democracy advocacy will catch on any day now.

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even though there is no democracy.

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This was hilarious with the way it layered the extremism and just kept building. I laughed out loud and thought, "wow, this guy needs more friends."

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Engage with the content. It's quite ok to disagree, even vehemently! But the personal attacks and snide remarks are unnecessary. Do better!

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How's that boxed wine treating you?

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The fact that your second point in your thesis about the weighty topic of the history of feminism is FUCKING MARVEL MOVIES says it all, you weird little loser. Watch real films and grow the fuck up, and the rest of this horrid filth erupting inside you will eventually burn away. Good luck to you.

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Actually the second point was about how equality is the opposite of individuality.

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My dude you gave yourself away, I’m sorry, it’s so clear where you evolved your ideas and it’s a swamp.

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Well that's still not a counterargument.

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So nazis are bad? I dunno sounds like boomercon talk

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You seem to equate leftist discourse with nazis, which is not helpful or illuminating as nazis and 20th C fascism came from a desire to crush communism in particular and leftism discourse in general.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs agoAuthor

Feminism and Nazism have something in common: they are demographic special interest movements.

While the Nazis anti-communism was admirable, they were militaristic atheist socialists. That's not the right way forward.

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"You might not think that feminism has done as much damage as Nazism, but the core principle is the same." Unenlightened retard. Women and motherhood were literally celebrated in Hitler's Germany. You need to stop jerking off into obscurity and pick up an objective history book. Are you a boomer or a spiritual boomer? Go study. Now.

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I never denied that Nazis were better on gender issues than Liberal Democrats are.

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That's not what you allege in the essay. So either it was misinformation or disinformation.

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Legalizing prostitution would fix this.

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I'm not sure it would. For one thing, prostitution is already basically legal, it just has to be laundered through expensive dates.

Anti-prostitution laws only meant something back when casual dating was illegal (which was only 100 years ago)

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Men can stick to their porn and video games because nobody wants these losers.

That's what is happening anyway.

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LOL! You tell those incels!

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Paying for sex compared to having it with someone who actually wants to be with you are diametrically opposing. I couldn't foster an erection with a stranger. That's just me though.

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Not disagreeing entirely as not advocating sexwork as an ideal. Also I have been to countries where sex work is legal, and normal, very little resentment between the sexes.

It’s also not necessarily true that sex workers “don’t want you”… porn industry is full of people who actually like sex, & like making money at it. Both can be true.

I hypothesize a healthier culture would ban porn & regulate prostitution. Being with an actual person is real intimacy & thus more healthy. It would release much of the sexual frustration of otherwise unsuccessful men, so they might be more productive.

Also many of the resentful feminists types may very well find their “empowerment” in such work. They generally do not make happy families & maybe they shouldn’t. I’m ok with that. People are not all the same.

I’m certainly not the go to church & pay taxes kind of suburban dad type (even though I’m the coolest dad on my block, always mow the lawn nude flexing on my dork neighbors).

Another paradox of legalized sex work is it has traditionally given a standard for normal women to compare themselves to, “I’m better than those whores” and by social comparison they seek status by having higher standards & lower body counts, larger families, greater happiness: - Something many “trads” don’t even consider.

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Ideally sex should be for love and procreation. When it's not we have stagnation, stds, an unsustainable birthrate, misery etc. So-called sex work is disgusting no matter who you word it. You're approaching this in a degenerate way.

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It all goes back to unfuckable, loser men that nobody wants.

Always. That is the essence of the male question--ugly, boring losers who can't get laid and think women owe them (while simultaneously hating women as inferior to them--so logical!).

That fuels all of this.

Get off your fat ass and get a job. You should be in a coal mine.

Women owe you nothing.

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